Install Visual Code on Windows

What is Visual Code

Visual Studio Code - Wikipedia

Visual Code is Microsoft’s free development tool or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for both students to learn how to code, as well as for professionals to develop software.

What I Use Visual Code for?

I used Visual Code to write code in web development, scripting, and development software applications in Python and C++. For Java, I still use IntelliJ primarily.

Install Visual Code

Download the free installation package at

Then click the “Download for Windows” button.

When prompted, select “Save File”.

Once the download is complete, double-click on the EXE file and select Run.

Select “I accept the agreement”, then click “Next”

Click “Next” and use the default destination location.


Click Next to use the default Start Menu Folder.

Click Next to select the default Additional Tasks


Click “Install” to proceed to install VS Code.

Observe the Install Progress, if you like watching the green bar grows.

When the installation is complete, just click “Finish”. Since the “Launch Visual Studio Code” checkbox is checked by default, unless unchecked, the VS Code app will start after clicking “Finish”.

If the VS Code application is selected to start, it will start. You can either close it or move on to the next lesson.