Clone a Remote Git Repo in Visual Studio

In this article, we will demonstrate how to clone a Remote Git Repo to your local Development Machine to be a Local Git Repo

  1. First, find the link to “clone” a remote repository to your local machine. Click HTTPS and copy the remote repository URL.

2.  From the App Search, type in “Visual Studio Code”, then select Visual Studio Code to start it.

3. Then click on “Clone Git Repository”

4. You will be prompted with “The extension GitHub wants to sign in using GitHub”. Click “Allow” to proceed.

5. Copy the remote Git Repo’s HTTPS URL (step 1) and paste at the prompt. Then select the “Clone HTTS URL …” from the drop-down edit box.

6. It will prompt you to select a location of the repo

If not already created, create a new directory to hold the camp projects

Name your new folder something that is reasonable.

Then select the new folder and click “Select Repository Location”.

When prompted “Would you like to open the cloned repository?”, click “Open”.

Click “Yes I trust the authors”

The Repo Name should show up as the name of the Project.