My Coding Interview 2021-2024

In this blog post, I will describe my coding interview preparation process and lessons learned. I will also talk about what did not work in my previous prep, what I did this time that is different, and also what could be done better.

In 2021 I had an interview with Apple and did not really prepare much at Coding Interview. I did well enough during system interview but coding interview was quite a disaster.

Then I had another round of interviews in 2022. What I did in 2022 was better than 2021 but was still not enough.

My Resume 2024

In this blog, I will talk about what I did to update my resume for my 2024 job search which ended up with 3 interviews and 3 offers: Acrisure, Apple, and Airbnb. This is not a How To by any mean but a share out by a seasoned engineer who still enjoys using and improving on her craft 馃檪

My Job Search 2024

About 4 months ago, I began serious looking for my next role. About two weeks ago, I wrapped the search with three offers of three job applications. I considered this search quite successful, although there are always room for improvement, and would like to record my 4 months journey and share some tips for those who might consider a new job in the current climate.

Create GitHub Actions to makes and Commit Changes

In this article, I will show how I step-by-step created a github action that checkout, zipped, and added the zipped file to the repo, each time I commit to main.

When packaging and deploy an application, there are cases that the build process needs to make changes to the branch before, during, or after the build and commit that changes to the repository. A common example is when cutting a release build, a version number can be updated and then checked back into the future branches of the repo.