What is Git and GitHub

In this blog, I talked about Git and GitHub and how you will use them in your project development.

Git is a version control system for software development, and GitHub is a web-based platform that uses Git for version control and also adds collaboration features.

Git is a version control system for software development. It allows developers to keep track of changes made to their code, collaborate with others on a project, and revert to earlier versions of the code if needed. You need to install Git on your dev machine to work with your local and remote Git repositories.

You can follow Setup Git on Your Window 10 Machine

GitHub is a web-based platform that uses Git for version control and also adds collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, and wikis for documentation. It also provides a web interface for developers to manage their Git repositories.

To use GitHub to collaborate with your team or to work on your own project, you need to create a GitHub account.

You can follow Set up a GitHub AccountÂ