How to Find a Git Commit Hash

You may at times find that you need to revert a commit and need to find the commit hash. This entry explains the steps.

This entry explains what a Git Commit Hash is and how to find it.

What is Git Commit Hash

A Git commit hash is a unique identifier for each commit in a Git repository. It is a 40-character hexadecimal string that represents the state of the repository at a specific point in time. The commit hash is generated using a secure hash function (such as SHA-1) based on the contents of the commit, including the file changes, the commit message, and metadata such as the author, date, and time.

The commit hash is used to reference a specific commit in the Git repository and to track the history of the repository. When you make a new commit, the hash of the previous commit is stored as part of the new commit, creating a chain of hashes that represent the history of the repository. This allows you to easily view the history of your repository and track changes over time.

The commit hash is an important part of the Git version control system and is used to track changes and maintain the integrity of your repository. It is a unique identifier that ensures that each commit can be identified and referenced even if other information, such as the author or commit message, changes.

Option 1: Using the “git log” Command

The git log command displays a list of all the commits in your repository, along with their commit hashes, author information, and commit messages.

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory that contains your Git repository.
  2. Run the following command:
$ git log

You’ll see a list of all the commits in your repository, along with their commit hashes, author information, and commit messages. The commit hash is a long string of characters that uniquely identifies each commit. You can copy and paste the commit hash when you need to reference a specific commit.

Option 2: Using the GitHub Website

If you’re using GitHub to host your Git repository, you can find the commit hash on the GitHub website.

  1. Go to the GitHub website and navigate to your repository.
  2. Click on the “Commits” tab to see a list of all the commits in your repository.
  3. Click on the commit you want to find the hash for.
  4. The commit hash is displayed at the top of the page, next to the text “commit”.

With these two options, you can easily find the commit hash in a Git repository and reference specific commits when needed.