How to Revert a Git Commit

Git is a powerful version control system, but sometimes you may need to revert a commit. Maybe you made a mistake in your code, or maybe you want to go back to a previous version of your project. Whatever the reason, here’s how you can easily revert a Git commit.

Before starting, if you don’t have the commit hash, check out  Find Git Commit Hash

Option 1: Using the “git revert” Command

The git revert command allows you to undo a specific commit and create a new commit with the changes. This method is useful when you want to keep a record of the changes that you’re undoing.

  1. Check out the branch that you want to revert the commit o$ git checkout branch_name
  1. Run the following command to revert the commit, replacing commit_hash with the actual hash of the commit you want to revert:
$ git checkout branch_name
  1. Push the changes to your remote repository.
$ git push origin my-test-branch

Option 2: Using the “git reset” Command

The git reset command allows you to remove one or more commits from your branch and move the branch pointer to a previous commit. This method is useful when you want to completely remove a commit and its changes from your branch.

  1. Check out the branch that you want to revert the commit on.
$ git checkout branch_name
  1. Run the following command to reset the branch to the previous commit, replacing commit_hash with the actual hash of the commit you want to revert:
$ git reset --hard commit_hash
  1. Push the changes to your remote repository, using the --force option to overwrite the remote branch.
$ git push origin branch_name --force

With these two options, you can easily revert a Git commit and undo changes in your code. Whether you’re using git revert or git reset, you can ensure that your project stays in the desired state.