My Coding Interview 2021-2024

In this blog post, I will describe my coding interview preparation process and lessons learned. I will also talk about what did not work in my previous prep, what I did this time that is different, and also what could be done better.

In 2021 I had an interview with Apple and did not really prepare much at Coding Interview. I did well enough during system interview but coding interview was quite a disaster.

Then I had another round of interviews in 2022. What I did in 2022 was better than 2021 but was still not enough.

My Resume 2024

In this blog, I will talk about what I did to update my resume for my 2024 job search which ended up with 3 interviews and 3 offers: Acrisure, Apple, and Airbnb. This is not a How To by any mean but a share out by a seasoned engineer who still enjoys using and improving on her craft 🙂