Create a Simple HTML5 application with Aptana Studio 3.4.1
This tutorial shows how to create a simple HTML5 application in Aptana Studio
Java with Greenfoot Lesson4: Tic-Tac-Toe Game Part III
In this lesson, we will make the Board class check the game progress and stop the game once someone has won. I will then introduce the concept of Java Arrays. We will add code to constantly check whether three game balls of the same color has lined up and to mark those winning game balls.
Java with Greenfoot Lesson 3: Tic-Tac-Toe Game Part II
In the last lesson (Lesson 2), we created the Tic-Tac-Toe Board and GameBall classes. We also added GameBall objects to the Board object. In this lesson, we will add a Player class such that a Player object interacts with GameBall objects in a meaningful way.
Java with Greenfoot Lesson 2: Tic-Tac-Toe Game Part I
In this lesson, we will create a Tic-Tac-Toe game board and add game pieces to it.
Java with Greenfoot Lesson 1: Hello Wombats!
If you are familiar with Scratch and would like to learn more on programming. Java with Greenfoot is a great choice.
In this lesson, we will test the water by looking at a sample Greenfoot project called “wombats”.
Scratch Lesson 11: Game Programming Part 2 Sprites
In Lesson 11, we will create all the necessary sprites for the Mini Mario game. Especially, we will focus on Mario and show how to make him walk, jump, and squat.
Scratch Lesson 10: Game Programming Part 1 Movement
In lesson 7, we took a look at an existing sample game, The Pong Game, and we also had made changes to this game to make it more interesting. In lesson 10 through 14, I will cover what you need to learn to make a mini Super Mario game.
SCRATCH Lesson 9: From Stories to Animations Part II
In Part II, I will show you how to add scene transition to your animation using broadcast message and “wait†control blocks.