Helpful kubectl Commands for Developers
This entry shows usefule kubectl commands that I find very useful and use almost every day when working with in the kubernete environment.

This entry shows usefule kubectl commands that I find very useful and use almost every day when working with in the kubernete environment.
In this article, I will show how I step-by-step created a github action that checkout, zipped, and added the zipped file to the repo, each time I commit to main.
When packaging and deploy an application, there are cases that the build process needs to make changes to the branch before, during, or after the build and commit that changes to the repository. A common example is when cutting a release build, a version number can be updated and then checked back into the future branches of the repo.
As part of the Setup a Ubuntu Development Laptop with Me series, in this article, I worked with chatGPT but verified setp-by-step and successfully set up ffmpeg on my new laptop and able to record the screen and the audio
In this article, I documented my steps to set up RayService on my ubunto laptop and I hope it will be useful for someone. This article goes through
If you have not set up your kubernetes environment, checkout Use Kind and K9s to Learn Kubernetes Locally (on Ubuntu)
For the full instruction from the source, see
I documented my steps of setting up my new ubuntu laptop for Machine Learning and this step is one of the step of many. This blog assumes that you have some knowledge about kubernetes but is not required.
VMware ESXi is an operating system-independent hypervisor based on the VMkernel operating system interfacing with agents that run atop it.
At work, we use VMware ESXi to host the VMs but I run VirtualBox on my development machine. Luckily, fine folks at Oracle thought of this and make it quite easy.