30-minutes with Node.js – P1

I’ve read about Node.js and finally had a chance to test it out. After 30 minutes, I found it easy to use and very powerful, and would definitely explore some more in the future. This blog documents my short experiment with Node.js

Build or Compile Linphone from Source for iPhone and iPad

By Jessica Chiang

This entry documents how to build Linphone from source for iPhone and iPad

Updated for Mac Maverick(v10.9.5 v10.9.3), Version 6.1 (6A1052d) XCode6 Beta3, iOS 8.1 7.1, and the latest Linphone source (as of 01/17/15 7/29/14 ). Tested deploying to iPhone5, iPhone5s, iPhone6, and iPhone6 Plus simulators.

To build Linphone for iPhone and iPad

Set up Django on a Remote Host

I was able  to set up the Django sample site on my Dreamhost site. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that facilitates rapid web application development. I was able to follow the Django tutorial and instruction from Dreamhost to add a Django site to my domain.